Another year is behind us. In many ways it was beautiful and successful year. We opened new chapters of the project and improved the already started ones: we performed the GLRaV-3 transmission from donor to virus-free host plants, we improved RT-PCR and serological testing for the detection of GLRaV-3, we analyzed morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of plant stress, with each season we are better in symptoms observation and its interpretation, in the molecular laboratory we have NanoDrop of the latest generation.
But it was not always easy. Especially after the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, quarantine and work from home, pauses of purchasing project consumables and postponed conferences. But we have endured it all and we did it all with a smile under our masks.
In a good hope and desire to take off our masks as soon as possible, to socialize, visit and travel as before, to better connect and spread the ideas, knowledge and results more off- than on-line, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021! Cheers!