The grapevine plants from the collection vineyard in which we proved the presence of singe GLRaV-3 virus infection were rooted and transplanted in pots for the purpose of biological indexing. Since we did not find all genetic variants of GLRaV-3 as a single infection, we have obtained individual GLRaV-3 genetic variants which we will use to infect indicator plants. The cuttings containing monophyletic variants of GLRaV-3 were gained by the courtesy of dr. Rachelle Bester from the Stellenbosch University (Department of Genetics), South Africa. These cuttings are properly stored until spring next year when they will be used as a source of virus inoculum for grafting of indicator plants.
Cuttings of Cabernet Sauvignon infected with different variants of GLRaV-3 Plavac mali infected with single (monophyetic) genetic variant of GLRaV-3